Tiny Circles

Independent in name only, not in thought and action, there is a trend to follow. Follow it to the whirlpool just like everybody else. You can share this centripetal force.

At the peak of a pyramid, centre of attention, leader of the movement, there is something special. The higher a pyramid goes the more support it needs to keep itself standing. That something special supports this pyramid standing. It will be standing as long as its structure is desirable. It is desirable because everyone has agreed with it, liked it, and accepted it and following its leadership...

There are raindrops in every rainfall. They create their own tiny circles when they hit the ocean face. They disappear randomly. However, if they hit the peaks of wavelets, they do not create circles. 

A Difficult Site

What make a site a difficult site?

As many as I can think of, a difficult site can be with one of more of the following issues (maybe some of them are not in this list): 

Natural problem areas: bushfire, salt problem, quake, snow, storm

Soil problems:
(From BCA) Ground movement caused by-
(A) swelling, shrinkage or freezing of the subsoil; and
(8) landslide or subsidence; and
(C) siteworks associated with the building or structure;

Difficult soil types 

Termite problem

Slope of the site
Rainwater flowing into the site from neighbours - the site is lower than the surroundings 
Drainage/sewer/plumbing problem - distance 
Shape of the site and setbacks

A narrow lot
Narrow street and sharp turn

A remote place to get things needed for construction

Requiring excavation too close to neighbouring house's footing 

Trees, roots, and branches 
Rocks etc
Council's property, main water pipe, phone line, etc. in the site 

Budget is tight to have flexible ideas to design
Strict regulations 

Orientation that is disfavouring certain requirements
Difficult access from the street
Difficult to get sunlight into the living room, etc

Each issue above is quite broad. Solutions can be varied site to site. Not all designer know all these solutions. I don’t! Some are for designers to solve and some are for the engineers and specialists.

What I understand is: designing a building in a difficult site is not a big problem if a designer understands how to build it and how the builder can actually build it. In designing process, construction can be considered and solutions can be given. in the design, overusing of resources to get the building done can be an issue - this is a problem even in normal building. Spending on necessary activities is owner's responsibility though. A designer or builder might be able to minimise it. 

 Images from BCA

An Assignment Using Revit

This is the assignment required to pass (or fail) 1773 Graduate Diploma of Building Design.. That was how I spent $5000 of student loan. The course was enjoyable although we were not taught anything much but guided toward finishing a project with proper specification.

I started using Revit in 2012, but only for one small project, and then switched to ArchiCAD 14. So this project was using Revit 2014 first time. I got a lot of time to learn Revit during the course, although I wasted much time on socializing online.

What I like very much about Revit is exploded view. This view can communicate sufficiently to get the message across, about what the building is, what programs it has, etc. Its visual information is very clear and the design can be seen in enjoyable manner.

Revit has another powerful tool, rendering tool, that can make the model look real, and predict how it might look in real life. it's necessary to render often, whenever a part of building is done - in this case, it's alright to check with 'visual style: realistic/realistic with edges' 

This building was based on a site in North Ryde Station Precinct.  

Download the map and place it into the project, with the exact address, to test Building Performance. The following image is Solar Study and Overshadowing at 9am winter. Actually this is what Vasari did, not Revit. It's beautiful to use the two tools together. If you're going to use Revit LT, you do need Vasari and other building performance tools. But this building was possible only because of Mass modeling tool.  

The building is shaped that way to adapt the shape of the site, and other factors to make it a good building, with a reasonable level of Building Performance. This mass of building can be located anywhere in the site with regulation of 5m setback and no overshadowing after 9am, the shadow must move on. 

The result from using Revit in residential design. It is obvious. 


Galah is a design theme based on Australian bird Galah. 
Colour scheme is to match these birds.

You can download the images if you like to see actual size.


What make a good house to build and to live in?
Good to ask this question before meeting a good designer, not to give a hard time to the designer, so you know what to want and what to spend on. The owner can make an informed decision. Comparing between a new house and an existing house is just like comparing a new car and a second hand car. A new house can be designed for you and your family. In addition, it can be a good design. This means even a cheap house can be a very good house. An old house maybe a good house if it has the right criteria but a brand new house can be clear of everything, if the land is good too, beside superstitions. New houses can achieve desirable qualities with modern scientific methods.

A good house has the qualities of a good house, not the quality of land or the quality of fittings, although they also make a house a good house. There are books that explain about a good house and its qualities. The composition of a good house is the good quality of the overall structure and its functional performances.

Functions must lead the design forms. Form must follow function… in an assignment, I wrote:
Build Form of this new building is very conventional. Form follows functions, aesthetic, natural features of site, orientation, light, wind, weather, materials and structural possibility & limit. Form follows function and nature for the benefit of user experience. Function follows brief, user experience, and practical sequences. Site features and the surroundings dominate overall idea of form. Functions (programs) dominate interior spaces. Site and function become overall building design. Aesthetic function is fulfilled with building features and user experience.
 The brief from the owner is very important for the designer. Actually, it is the starting point. An informed owner will meet a good designer not just to order a design but also to construct a brief. An informed owner can make a good brief with the designer, feedback and recommendation, and positive criticism to reach the final design of a good house. An informed owner can involve in design development constructively. A clear vision of a new house, how it will look like when finish, may be developed with a strategy to get there.

Consider the following for a good house:
I am paraphrasing from somewhere I read.

Building Life Cycle Environmental Impact, Building Performance, and Energy Performance are parts of a house: These three are related directly; however, they must be considered separately and carefully; this is first part. Liveability, Usability, Enjoyable Interior, Acoustic Performance, Lighting, Air Flow or ventilation, Structural Aesthetic, Security, Easy Access, and Escape are also parts of a house; this is the second part.

Favouring the first part can reduce the performance of the second part and vice versa. For example, window is where cold and heat easily penetrate into a house, but a house needs enough light and enough air. Glass is generally poor insulator, so it demands more energy for cooling and heating. It is good not to prioritise either part but it depends on how much one can afford. Nevertheless, the balance can be better in long term. That is generally how a good house is designed. Life Cycle Costing stated by NSW government is “the total cost throughout its life including planning, design, acquisition and support costs and any other costs directly attributable to owning or using the asset".

Building envelop, interior, room location, circulation, floor styles, decoration, cultural style all can be designed within the good design practice. BASIX assessment is mandatory so generally all house designs that passed this assessment are equally good. However, the difference appears when compare the designs in other aspects.
A house might need to be accurately tested for energy rating for different reasons. There are AccuRate assessors available for this purpose, during design stage. AccuRate is a good software developed by CSIRO.  

It is also good to think about future extension – start from a small house and make an extension later or build the whole house with many bedrooms. This depends on the budget. However, later extension is far more expensive than building whole house at once. If Extension is to be made later, good planning is necessary for this intention – at least to know where to and how to extend.  

A house is not just for living, but can also be investment for next generation, or for resale. People do move to different locations in their lifetimes. A good house is a good investment if it is designed properly. At least its value should be enough to buy another house in the new location where the owner wants to move.

Before building a house, all of these things can be considered carefully.
After all the considerations on design, the owner should be able to make an informed decision in choosing building designs for themselves. An informed decision does not base on a designer or a design farm but the designs themselves.