Outdoor Living

What kind of look should it be if a designer develop design for Australian culture?

Bus Stop Design and Culture & Architecture

Adshel Classic - Revit

Parramatta Bus Stops

Guideline is available online:

There are two bus stop designs: Adshel Classic and Adshel ‘Mini’ Classic.
Adshel Classic - https://goo.gl/maps/Sd97RrBRY1p and https://goo.gl/maps/V15WNdemhMw - bus stops nearest to me.  
No Adshel ‘Mini’ Classic because the footpath is broad along here.
Slightly larger one is here: https://goo.gl/maps/g3Vsp9QYxFv  - but only three times in length and the same design,  a few stops away from where I live.
Where few passengers go - https://goo.gl/maps/R4o6F5n93XF2

3.  Conclusions
The most critical conclusion is that there is still only a limited pedestrian perspective represented in the tools and guidelines that assist designers, policymakers and regulators on the design and implementation of street furniture. Adherence to relatively simple design guidelines at the design stage will improve conditions for pedestrians in terms of both safety and amenity. Safety issues including pedestrian safety should be paramount, and will be satisfied in most cases by the application of the best practice guidelines. Given the range of different types of street furniture and the range of locations where they are provided, guidelines cannot be universal. In certain cases community priorities may determine that other social or historical values and benefits from street furniture must be balanced with a reduced but still reasonable level of road user safety.
Page ii
NSW Roads and Traffic Authority Street Furniture Research Project Final Report

Some of the best bus stop designs around the world: 

Cool bus station:

Vidurglass Photovoltaic Safety Glazing in Pergolas, Canopies or other Urban Furniture Applications ~ Global Glass Solutions::

bus stop design - Поиск в Google:

Bus stop, Curitiba, Brazil. Click image for link to more creative bus stops and visit the slowottawa.ca boards >> http://www.pinterest.com/slowottawa/:

Would councils ever spend on bus stop designs and let the designers have a chance? That will create lively environment with each bus stop being different. 

Visual Texts

Two types of visual texts in architecture

Visual Advertisement

Images are imaginary that helps people imagine. Imaginary images express their selling the points, how people who use them can use them and feel about them. Their intent is to provide information to clients and users.

Visual Texts are:
To provide more information for imagination;
To declare the intent of the development;
To persuade the client and potential users - the professionals too;
To develop customer awareness;
To justify the price or cost;
To ask for support of the people and the society;
To help answer many relevant questions from concerned individuals;

Visual Technical information

Images are technical when the intent is to communicate for technical purposes among various consultants. Their intent is to provide information to professionals and specialists.

Visual Texts are to provide information with:
Elevation: Levels, heights, openings, building parts, shading devices,

Site Plan:
Where on earth/site the building is located and its orientation to the north; how the building is accessed; how the building fits among the existing buildings & streets - shadow, look, culture, environmental impact, noise, wind, solar access,  

Floor plans: Parts of buildings; openings, and types of openings;

Sections and details: Means of construction; materials used; structural solutions for loads, heat & water penetration,