Fleeting Flame of the Empty

A flat surface
Painted with gaze
Seeing the waves of life
Mirage face
With a dose of graceful look

Maze of night
So bright showing the way;
With rushing glide  
Jumped into the day;
Lost in front of the sun
So just run and run to cover
Far distance to forever

Being bright doesn’t mean
To enjoy life;
By choice or being conditioned-  
In relation with
The law
Well, not so bright at all here
The dwindling light comes from
... infinity...
Twinkling sight burns on
... infinitely...

Colourful beauty
Chasing for beauty right beside the only reality
That’s reached  

So wide is the space
No faces it has to be gazed
Empty, completely sterile reality  
Essential existence it is
Incalculable ignorance to live in
Ever more events recurring;
A thought in erring stride
Chasing for a moment of being absolutely right 


The poor rhyme is forgotten
The poor dream is forgotten
The poor dream is wired
Can’t be forgotten forever...
This love rafting in the river
Of rhyme

Love’s a cat
In the sack calm and worried
Love’s a puppy
Put into the sack and rain
At times the clouds in the sky
At times love’s noticed
Love’s missed

Falling back as rain
Trapped underground
In the rock, a dream, faraway from volcanic vents!
Melt this fossilized pain!
To fly as cloud again, to flow as a stream

Being in
The tick-tock of a clock
Needing new batteries
Tick might be met by its tock

(In hurry?)

In centuries* 

Blue Monday

Blue Monday1 flew away
When she said ‘Hey!’ in sweetest way
The greeting of the day!
A fail pleasure of mine...

Whilst the richest getting richer
I’m just looking for a work not even a career
What am I supposed to occupy?!

I’m not a rare species
Only not from the majority
I share a global identity...

Ms Chen said ‘she didn’t do anything special!’2&3
But she did a something special
What failed by the majority...

Should I be so sad for a cruise4 grounded
With the captain with Italian politician’s mindset?
Yes, No!
Not beyond for the lives lost in cold! 

  1. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/jobs/9017631/Blue-Monday-is-most-depressing-day-of-the-year-research-claims.html
  2. http://www.chinasmack.com/2011/videos/2-year-old-chinese-girl-ran-over-by-van-ignored-by-18-bystanders.html
  3. http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/90882/7706706.html
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-16576979