Don’t come down
Stay where you’re now – there’s love there’s life
Just recognize the beauty in reality!

Here at the river’s edge
Slippery, sands falling
The evidence of erosion
But the river will not change its course voluntarily
Neither it’s in denial  

As far as the eyes can gaze
Tiled waves an’ rhythmic winds
Playin' with the tear drops
Midflight in sunlight
As vast as the memory’s conquered
Amid river, there’s a poem
For you

Be immune 
From the venom of desolation 
We’re not playing a game again...

In sanity in the river
We can watch for Love
Upstream or near the ocean!

November 2011

Clouds found barking  
This evening a wet cat
Darkening in the sunset rain
A flowerbed left behind the storm

This little stream dry at summer time
Without water for decades
Yet its track doesn’t disappear

Raining upstream
Water coming from the sky
This little stream
Barely flowing for a while
Wet sandy bed sprouting past memories

Doesn’t flow to a sea
Never to a river nor a lake
Fading little stream covered in the shades
Of the little plants and grass – flowering so fast

Noisy outside, noisy inside
Noisy everywhere
Trains of thoughts racing with gaze
No mist no vapour along their grace 


is the designer
desire its force
reference* its tool
creates a fool

delusion causes desire an' craving
desire causes thought, speech and action
so comes the sensation

ignorant beings live for sensations
when die, die with delusion an' craving for sensations
so comes the body for sensation by rebirth
sufferings simply start in sensation 

Exist only mind and matters; 
views are built on perception and delusion
these views seldom lead to wisdom
no wisdom, live by the rule of blindness** 

own delusion is own enemy
because it creates stupidity
unknowing where that starts an' one can end 

driven by desire
uncontrollable are thoughts 
 in a weak mind 
there is no foe, just own crime -  
round and round nonstop - rebirths
just repeat from the start

 *perception or memory
**for unwholesome action/reaction

................posted on yahoo answer - as an answer for the creator


So Great!
Wherein the powerful make the people the people
Wherein the people make the powerful the powerful
Wherein the black hole makes the galaxy generating
Wherein the powerful set the society circulating

Wherein the revolution consumes the past
Wherein the past renewed schools the future
Wherein the galaxy bursts – matters falling back into the dark core!
The world of superconductor, energizer and rebellion – this is
The society being crushed like sugarcane into saint an’ witch
Juice an’ alcohol made
Sweet an’ bitter seducing constraint

Space Traveller

Intuition making a guess
Rational mind making a step
A mind with wisdom taking a rest;

A real battle is in the mind - 
To clear the mess 
And to throw the junk out of the head 
And then develop the progress toward boundless grade the infinite

Enlightened brain is thus lighter than thoughts and faster than light


A river through empty land with sand of very short grass
The river flowing lonely stands out on a lonely heart
The river of feeling only –
Only feelings flowing in its current and past
Into swiftly shifting ocean it’d never reach and touch

Feelings may flood and be soaked by the sand of very short grass
Lonely river always bears the anger an’ frustration of the nullified floods
There the sentiments have nowhere to go
There the flood with no gates made a lake of archipelagos
Old stories hidden in them
Never told before through the time off romance 

5 OCT 2011